Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Latitude & Longitude:
It's likely that you'll be looking to rustle up some grub when you're next in Tombstone and we would recommend Big Nose Kate's. Although the food is just a-ok, the ambiance is spectacular with captivating lighting that looks like stained glass mirrors and western regalia on every square inch of wall. Time your visit before 12 or after 1 to avoid waiting in a line as the establishment only has about 40 tables or so. Live music is a staple. Expect simple grub like burgers, pizza, and the like. Kids and adventurous adults can climb up onto an old piano dressed in period garb for the quintessential western pic - just remember to tip the folks helping you get costumed.
Food + Drink • History

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon

Big Nose Kate's Saloon
Big Nose Kate's Saloon