"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was one of those groundbreaking Gen X shows of the 1990s. Buffy is the girl-next-door who also happens to kick evil creature-butt. The completely suburban house is set in quiet Sun...
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was one of those groundbreaking Gen X shows of the 1990s. Buffy is the girl-next-door who also happens to kick evil creature-butt. The completely suburban house is set in quiet Sun...
This is the Victorian-style house used as the exterior for Fisher and Son’s Funeral Home. The seriously somber interior scenes of the home, though, were shot on a set built in studio.
This is the Victorian-style house used as the exterior for Fisher and Son’s Funeral Home. The seriously somber interior scenes of the home, though, were shot on a set built in studio.
A host of restless spooks called this “Murder House” from Season 1 of American Horror Story home, heaping added stress upon the already troubled Harmon family. The real horror story is how the house shot up ...
A host of restless spooks called this “Murder House” from Season 1 of American Horror Story home, heaping added stress upon the already troubled Harmon family. The real horror story is how the house shot up ...
Originally built in Culver City by a silent film studio, this creepily quirky “Witch’s house” was transported to, of all places, Beverly Hills when talkies became all the rage and the studio went belly-up. T...
Originally built in Culver City by a silent film studio, this creepily quirky “Witch’s house” was transported to, of all places, Beverly Hills when talkies became all the rage and the studio went belly-up. T...
This Victorian-style house is elegant in an old-fashioned way and its Old World charm seems to fit the witch-themed show perfectly. Called the Halliwell Manor in the show it has a fancy name in real life - c...
This Victorian-style house is elegant in an old-fashioned way and its Old World charm seems to fit the witch-themed show perfectly. Called the Halliwell Manor in the show it has a fancy name in real life - c...
North Genesee Avenue doesn't have quite the same ring as Elm Street. Pictures before the renovation show the house to be pretty much what it was in the film - a nightmare. It's almost unrecognizable from its...
North Genesee Avenue doesn't have quite the same ring as Elm Street. Pictures before the renovation show the house to be pretty much what it was in the film - a nightmare. It's almost unrecognizable from its...
If you saw MJ’s Thriller as a kid in the ‘80s, it probably freaked you out more than you’d care to admit. We invite you to check out the dilapidated house that couldn’t withstand a gang of pop-music crazed d...
If you saw MJ’s Thriller as a kid in the ‘80s, it probably freaked you out more than you’d care to admit. We invite you to check out the dilapidated house that couldn’t withstand a gang of pop-music crazed d...
It's hard to believe this charming Wedgwood blue house was envisioned as a house of horror by John Carpenter. In "Halloween," the house with the creepy jack-o'-lantern sitting on the porch was set in small-t...
It's hard to believe this charming Wedgwood blue house was envisioned as a house of horror by John Carpenter. In "Halloween," the house with the creepy jack-o'-lantern sitting on the porch was set in small-t...
Netflix's "Bird Box" starring Sandra Bullock has set off an epidemic of Instagram and Facebook memes. The truly creepy and disturbing post-apocalyptic film took place in a gorgeous house located in the subur...
Netflix's "Bird Box" starring Sandra Bullock has set off an epidemic of Instagram and Facebook memes. The truly creepy and disturbing post-apocalyptic film took place in a gorgeous house located in the subur...
This split-level house was only used for its exterior as most of the indoor scenes were shot at the studios. Apart from maintenance and a light face-lift, the house hasn't changed too much from its appearanc...
This split-level house was only used for its exterior as most of the indoor scenes were shot at the studios. Apart from maintenance and a light face-lift, the house hasn't changed too much from its appearanc...