Grand Canyon Railway
Latitude & Longitude:
The Grand Canyon Railway carries passengers between Williams, Arizona and the South Rim. This 64-mile railroad built by the Atkinson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway in 1901 ultimately ceased all railway service in 1974. In 1988 the line was purchased by private investors and passenger service started running in 1989. The Grand Canyon Railway now departs daily. This entertaining train ride features western musicians and cowboy characters. You may even see some wild horses running along with the train on this full-day adventure on the rails that departs at 9:30 AM and arrives at the South Rim at approximately 11:45 AM. You'll arrive at Historical Village and have more than 3 hours to explore the canyon. Board the train at 3:30 PM to come back to Williams at 5:45.

Grand Canyon Railway
Grand Canyon Railway

Grand Canyon Railway
Grand Canyon Railway

Grand Canyon Railway
Grand Canyon Railway

Grand Canyon Railway
Grand Canyon Railway