Grandview Point
Latitude & Longitude:
A one-mile side road that looks over a wide bend in the Colorado River halfway between Desert View and Grand Canyon Village is the best way to reach Grandview Point - the southernmost point on the South Rim. With an elevation of nearly 7,400 feet Grandview receives more rainfall than the other overlook points which is why it has a more dense forest of pine and oak trees. These trees don't obstruct the views but create a tranquil environment. You'll also find the Grandview Trailhead here which is very steep and can be treacherous during winter snow and icy conditions. However, the best canyon views can be seen a short distance down the path. Grandview Point is on Desert View Scenic Road (Highway 64), about 12 miles east of Grand Canyon Village and 12 miles west of the Desert View East Entrance.

Grandview Point
Grandview Point

Grandview Point
Grandview Point

Grandview Point
Grandview Point

Grandview Point
Grandview Point

Grandview Point
Grandview Point

Grandview Point
Grandview Point