12016 Culver Street Art
Latitude & Longitude:
In a little alley off the main street facing a gas station and butting up against a residential area is a long, short wall covered in colorful urban art. The style is somewhere between a graphic novel and anime. Based on the signatures there seem to be several contributors to this alleyway gallery. While it may not be a trip you'd pointedly make a stop for it's certainly a diversion while you're waiting for your tank to fill up. (Submitted by Steven Tully)
Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art
12016 Culver Street Art