Cold Spring Tavern
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A former stagecoach stop along the San Marcos Pass is now a restaurant serving tri-tip sandwiches and whiskey lemonade. Among the structures are a road gang house built by Chinese immigrants in the 1960s and a jail built in 1873. Also known as Cold Spring Relay Station, this restaurant has a long history of serving up meals to hungry travelers. More exotic meats such as rabbit, venison, and lamb are served as well as the more traditional beef and chicken. Make it a day trip as only lunch is served between 11:30 AM and 3:30 PM, closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
(Submitted by Madison Stone)
Food + Drink • History
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern
Cold Spring Tavern