Dave's Rock Garden
Latitude & Longitude:
Dave demonstrates how to turn a serious negative into a positive. A trash-filled lot next to his home was an eyesore, but instead of getting mad he decided to turn it into a work of art. It's also a beautiful collaboration between unconnected people all over the globe - who have donated painted rocks to be placed in their new home in Encinitas. Plenty of eco-friendly succulents and native plants complete this peaceful and enjoyable place. Plan to spend time here - there are lots of rocks with beautifully painted pictures and messages. Make a day trip out of it! Dave supplies rocks and paint supplies so that you can leave your own mark. Bring a picnic lunch but please dispose of your trash properly! The garden is located on the corner of B St. and 2nd.
(Submitted by Maria Lopez)

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden

Dave's Rock Garden
Dave's Rock Garden