Eddie World
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The 65-foot-ice cream sundae (a nicely disguised water tower) is a large, colorful shout-out to dusty travelers driving through the Mojave Desert. Located in the middle of nowhere on a lonely stretch of road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Eddie World is the Four Seasons of gas stations. The gigantic building looks like a cross between a Spanish villa and a Roman pavilion. Top-tier gas is sold alongside Tesla superchargers. You have your choice of Peet's coffee, Poke bowls, or piping hot pizza. Or, make yourself a bag of delectable delights from the vast array of candies and nuts. There are plenty of toys for the grumpy kiddoes to choose from if you'd rather not stuff them full of sugar. Some will think the bathrooms are the main attraction here - not only are they sanitized to a pearly sheen, they're pretty fancy too!
(Photo by Travis Bevelaqua)