Empire Mine State Historic Park
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Beautiful and historic, the Empire Mine gives visitors a detailed and authentic look in the 1890s goldmining world. Unlike other historic mines Empire Mine also has a wide range of activities - from old-fashioned blacksmithing demos to hiking. The highlight of mine activities is geocaching where participants use GPS to locate hidden containers all over the park.
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park
Empire Mine State Historic Park