Garden of Oz
Latitude & Longitude:
You don’t need to get sucked up by twister to get to the magical mosaics at the Garden of Oz, but you do need a key in order to get inside the gate as it’s now private property. Even so, there’s enough on view from the street to make your trip worthwhile including a bejeweled throne and a mailbox to leave letters to Oz himself.
Photo Ops • Scenic • Weird

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz

Garden of Oz
Garden of Oz