International Banana Museum
Latitude & Longitude:
Update: The outgoing phone message states that they are temporarily closed but does not provide a reopening date.
Located near the smelly Salton Sea the International Banana Museum is bit more appetizing. A homage to the yellow fruit with the leathery peel, this museum/soda shoppe is the Bubba Gump of bananas. The museum has dozens and dozens of banana-shaped items such as jewelry, soap, dishes, a record player, dolls, glasses, etc. After the museum, get a banana confection from the soda shoppe - your choice of banana sodas, shakes, floats, ice cream, and other sweet treats. Call ahead for hours of operation.
Museums • Weird
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum
International Banana Museum