John Marshall High School
Latitude & Longitude:
If you're a fan of '80s films or just pop culture in general, put John Marshall High School on your to-do list. Designed in the collegiate Gothic style and built in 1931 the LAUSD school has perhaps appeared in more films and shows than any other school - "The Wonder Years," "Pretty in Pink," "Grease," and Van Halen's totally non-PC "Hot for Teacher" music video - to name a few. (Submitted by Paola Tapia)
Film Locations • History • Photo Ops

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School

John Marshall High School
John Marshall High School