Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
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This Hindu temple of the god Venkateswara is situated in the majestic Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu. Built in 1981 in the traditional South Indian style, it's the biggest Hindu temple on the west coast and a stunning sight to behold no matter your spiritual leanings. Picnic and meditation areas are available on the grounds.
Architecture • Spiritual
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple
Largest West Coast Hindu Temple