Moss Landing Viewing Point
Latitude & Longitude:
Sunsets and seals and sea otters, oh my! This pristine beach is away from the crowds used by locals who like to fish and observe the variety of wildlife. It's open from 8 AM to 30 minutes after sunset just so you can watch this spectacular event in its entirety.
Animals • Scenic

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point

Moss Landing Viewing Point
Moss Landing Viewing Point