Potato Chip Rock
Latitude & Longitude:
This flimsy looking precipice is not for the faint of heart nor for the out of shape. Even though you're in for a treat with beautiful scenery during the hike, this isn't the most secluded destination. When you get to the actual ledge, you may be disappointed to find that a dozen or more people are in line in front of you to take their photos. In spite of all the negatives, you'll produce a pretty memorable photo for Facebook!
Hikes • Scenic

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock

Potato Chip Rock
Potato Chip Rock