South Bay Historical Railroad
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The South Bay Historical Railroad Society (SBHRS), founded by former museum curator Edward Peterman, operates a cost-free railroad-themed museum for the community. Comprising historic buildings, a collection of railroad artifacts, and operational scale model displays, the museum also provides its members access to an extensive library of railroad-related books and videos. Housed in the historic Santa Clara Depot, with structural components dating back to 1863-1877, the museum includes notable structures such as the Southern Pacific Santa Clara Tower (1926), the Maintenance-of-Way Speeder Shed (1926), and the Section Tool House (1894).
(Submitted by Louise C)
History • Museums
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad
South Bay Historical Railroad