Stone House Ruins
Latitude & Longitude:
What's better than discovering the remains of an old stone house in the middle of the desert? How about an old stone house and a trampoline! To find this location, take the dirt road at the intersection of E Ave. J and 170th St. E in Lancaster. You'll be driving (or hiking) for about 1,000 feet before you get to the ruins. Note: We're not sure how long the trampoline will be there, so if you want to bounce in some ruins, get out there soon. Photo by Shannon Richards-Swift (Jan 09, 2021)
Hikes • Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins

Stone House Ruins
Stone House Ruins