The Heartbreak Hotel
Latitude & Longitude:
Andre Villa's home is a huge time capsule where time stands still in the 1950s. He's got a working rotary phone booth, life-sized statues of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis, and a vintage Coca-Cola dispenser. Named after the Elvis Presley song, this home is not a hotel but that doesn't stop visitors from knocking on his door to ask for a peek inside. It goes without saying this is private property and should be treated as such.
History • Weird
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel
The Heartbreak Hotel