The Lavender Fields
Latitude & Longitude:
You don't have to travel to Provence to experience the sublime scent of freshly grown lavender. Head to this lavender farm in summer to see and smell the harvest of these delicately fragrant purple blooms. This is the largest organic lavender field in California, growing more than 90 varieties of lavender. Plan your visit some time in June or July and don't forget to visit the cafe where you can try a variety of dishes infused with lavender. Unfortunately the 2020 festival is canceled but you can still sign up to take a walking tour.
(Submitted by Brenda Rios)
Hikes • Scenic
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields
The Lavender Fields