Tournament House

Tournament House


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Tournament House serves as the official headquarters of the Tournament of Roses Association, its staff and the 935 volunteers who work year-round to organize the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game. The elegant Italian Renaissance-style mansion was presented to the city of Pasadena in 1958 by the William Wrigley family with the understanding that it would become the permanent headquarters for the Tournament of Roses. Surrounding Tournament House are the Wrigley Gardens, which feature a 4.5-acre floral display of more than 1,500 varieties of roses, camellias and annuals. The gardens feature the All-America Rose Selections (AARS) award-winning Tournament of Roses rose developed especially for the Tournament of Roses Centennial. Tournament House and its surroundings provide a majestic backdrop for many Tournament of Roses activities, including the highly anticipated announcements of the Grand Marshal and Royal Court. The many treasures throughout the house recall past tournaments and highlight a rich history of grace and style. Tours will be offered, at no cost, each Thursday at 2 PM and 3 PM from February through end of August. Reservations are not required except for groups of 10 or more people. Groups of 10 or more may call (626) 449-4100 for tour reservations.



