Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
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It's a mid-century house designed by E. Stewart Williams, finished in 1947, and lived in by Sinatra until 1954. Sinatra initially wanted an elaborate Georgian-style mansion but Williams was able to convince him to go with clean, modern lines that would be more appropriate for desert living. The house is available for rent - see the website for more details. Although hidden behind a gate and a wall, the house is partially visible from the street.
Architecture • History
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate
Twin Palms Frank Sinatra Estate