Mermaid Caves
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The Mermaid Caves have become a popular tourist site recently, but this hidden Hawaiian treasure is recommended strictly for adventurous types who also are experienced swimmers. Located at Nanakuli Beach Park, Nanakuli Community Park, and Kalaniana'ole Beach Park, getting there is an adventure as you cross jagged lava rocks then descend an open hole called a "puka." In this manner, you'll enter the underwater cave. Caverns, in general, are dangerous so it goes to reason that a wet cave is perilous! Remember, water levels change with every tide and the caves can fill suddenly with every large swell. Entering these underwater caves should be done (if at all) during the low tide and in calm waters. The only way out of the cave is through the puka. In most cases, some people require help from friends who pull them up and out of their entered hole.