The "Home Alone" Movie House
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Back when McCauley Culkin was an adorable child star, "Home Alone" is an iconic American classic - even if not the greatest film made. The house where bratty little Kevin carried out his hilarious antics against a home invasion recently sold on the market for over 1.5 million. While you can't trespass on the property, you can stand on the sidewalk outside the gate and take a photo of yourself mimicking the trademark Kevin McAllister scream (after he had applied aftershave).
(Photo by Steph R)
Film Locations

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House

The "Home Alone" Movie House
The "Home Alone" Movie House