Gitchie Manitou State Preserve
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Named after a spirit in the culture of the Anishinaabe indigenous people in North America, these ruins inside the state park were perhaps once a home. The pink color is from the quartzite that is still quarried in the area. Gitchie Manitou Preserve, in addition to being a burial ground for the Anishinaabe, was the site of a 1973 crime. Four teenagers were murdered and it is said that they along with the ancient spirits of the deceased Anishinaabe haunt the land. There is a small unpaved parking lot on the southeast corner of the park right off of Adams Ave. After you park you'll see a trail heading northwest. Take this trail for about 1/2 mile which will lead you to the ruins. The state preserve is open 4 AM to 10:30 PM every day.
Haunted • Hikes • Ruins
Gitchie Manitou State Preserve
Gitchie Manitou State Preserve
Gitchie Manitou State Preserve
Gitchie Manitou State Preserve