Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum

Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum


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Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were the biggest rogue outlaws that arose from the 1930s as they made their way through Depression America to rob gas stations, steal cars, and kill policemen! But their short rule in the world of crime ended quickly when a posse of angry sheriffs south of Gibsland, Louisiana showed them that crime doesn't pay! In Gibsland you can find the Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum which contains some real and some replica Bonnie & Clyde relics. You'll see the replica bullet ridden death car, a 1934 V-8 Ford they rode into the ambush (the real car and Clyde's bloody shirt are displayed in a Nevada casino that purchased them for $75,000). Actual photos of the ambush aftermath are also presented at the museum along with one of Clyde's Remington shotguns, a tire Clyde stole and gave to an old man who kept it as a souvenir; Bonnie's red hat, some glass from the death car windshield, and replicas of Bonnie and Clyde's tombstones in a simulated graveyard. There's also a large mural that fills one wall recreating the moment of the ambush.



