Eagle Lake Locomotives
Latitude & Longitude:
For a different type of adventure looking for abandoned ruins head here to see the Ghost Trains. Two full sized locomotives, rusty but intact, rest in the northern Maine Woods. They operated between 1927 and 1933. The area doesn't get great cell reception so take extra precautions and map out your route beforehand. There's no paved road that goes directly to the trains so you may have to feel it out as you approach your destination. From Telos Rd. go west on Umbazookus Rd. for about 3 miles. Continue on Longley Steam Rd. and after about 3 miles make a slight right on Grand Marche Rd. Drive for 12 miles and then continue on to Narrow Pond Rd. Drive for another 2 miles and then make a right on the unnamed road. Drive for about 2.1 miles and you'll have to walk the rest of the way (approx 1/2 mile) through the woods and along the lake going southeast. Experienced trekkers recommend bringing a spare tire! This is a trip best taken during the summer unless you plan on taking a snowmobile.

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives

Eagle Lake Locomotives
Eagle Lake Locomotives