Cape Porpoise Pier
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The Cape Porpoise Pier is a historic fishing pier located in Kennebunkport, Maine. The pier is situated on the Cape Porpoise Harbor and offers picturesque views of the harbor and surrounding coastline. The pier has been in operation for over 150 years and is a popular spot for commercial and recreational fishing. Visitors to the pier can watch local fishermen bring in their catch of the day, including lobster, scallops, and various types of fish. In addition to its fishing activities, Cape Porpoise Pier is also home to several seafood restaurants and cafes as well as a gift shop and art gallery. The restaurants offer a variety of dishes made with fresh seafood, including lobster rolls, clam chowder, and fish and chips.
(Submitted by The Whimsy Family)
Cape Porpoise Pier
Cape Porpoise Pier
Cape Porpoise Pier
Cape Porpoise Pier
Cape Porpoise Pier
Cape Porpoise Pier