Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital
Latitude & Longitude:
It first opened in 1917 and was one of the most important medical facilities in the region, catering to people in more dire financial straits. In 1989, the hospital closed down and was left to fester in the woods. A fire sometime in the early 2000s exacerbated its state of decay hastening it to almost a mere shell. As the remains of the building are subject to collapse at any time its recommended to keep a safe distance when visiting. The ruins can be found by turning left on Emergency Entrance Drive off of Buchanan Street. The driveway will lead you to a small clearing where you can park your car.
(Submitted by Chris Harris)
History • Ruins

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital

Abandoned Laurel Charity Hosp...
Abandoned Laurel Charity Hospital