Alien Zone
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At the Alien Zone cafe and gift shop in Roswell, New Mexico, you'll find the Area 51 Museum which was built in 1998 by commercial artist/pastor of Roswell's Washington Avenue Baptist Church, Randy Reeves. The museum's owners noticed some visitors had become bored with the museum so they decided to fight that boredom by getting people involved in the stories and have them pose for photos with "aliens" in different dioramas that depict alien encounters. In the Area 51 museum you can crawl into a crashed saucer and pose with an alien in an upside down room, a barbecue, a jail, an outhouse, and more. There's even an alien autopsy scene! More scenes are always being added to the museum making it a place to visit where you're sure never to be bored!
(Photo by Troubled Aries)

Alien Zone
Alien Zone

Alien Zone
Alien Zone

Alien Zone
Alien Zone

Alien Zone
Alien Zone

Alien Zone
Alien Zone

Alien Zone
Alien Zone