Rocky Statue
Latitude & Longitude:
Located at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, at the bottom of the steps (displayed previously at the top of the steps) is the Sylvester Stallone "Rocky Statue." In 1980, the statue of Rocky was commissioned by Sylvester Stallone to A. Thomas Schomberg to create the Statue of ROCKY™ for the movie "ROCKY III." The iconic statue was, in 2006, installed permanently at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Top or bottom of the steps, The Rocky Statue is a great photo op!
Film Locations • Statues

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue

Rocky Statue
Rocky Statue