The Cursed Stone Couch
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A mysterious monolith situated on a flat stretch along rural Eckley Road, just beyond the Carbon-Luzerne county line and surrounded by forests, is where a seemingly large rock rests alongside the road as if it were a piece of furniture - a sofa carved from stone. But you wouldn't want this stone furniture anywhere in your house because this rock has earned its moniker as the Cursed Stone Stone Couch! As legend goes, some 250 years ago a Native American woman with a papoose on her back hiked up the steep mountainside when she stopped at the couch to feed her baby. But when she reached around, she found the child dead. Brokenhearted, she placed a curse on the site. Having a seat or lying down on the stone couch, it is said, often ends in tragedy. Another cursed tale tells of a man driving his sick family to a doctor when his car broke down during the great influenza epidemic of 1918. Using a lever, he moved some roadside boulders into place to create a "couch." There he left his family to rest while he went to fetch the doctor. Upon his return, it was too late. His family had died, and the man's tortured spirit still wanders the woods around Buck Mountain. Whether it be reports of a ghostly figure of a lost man walking along the roadway or the vision of a lost Native American woman and her dead baby, many people agree about the site's creepy activity. If you take a picture there at night, your photos might show mysterious orbs of light. Rumor has it, sometimes headlights appear out of nowhere and head straight at you - and then they travel directly through the rock! Hmm…what will you see?
The Cursed Stone Couch
The Cursed Stone Couch