Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
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Wall Drug Store in Wall, South Dakota opened its doors in 1931. It's a well known American roadside wonder which is known even to visitors who've never been to America. Whether you're from Paris, Kenya, or London, chances are you've seen signs for Wall Drug. In America, hundreds of signs offering free ice water and five cent coffee line Interstate 90 in South Dakota. Who could resist these tantalizing offers and pass by Wall Drug without a look? There are many good photo opps where you get there. You'll discover a 6-foot-tall furry rabbit on wheels, a mini-Mount Rushmore, and a saddled, fiberglass giant jackalope! A life-size T-rex roars every few minutes from its enclosure behind a Jurassic Park-like electric fence. But among the many mechanical creations like the goggle-eyed Cowboy Orchestra, you'll find the stores largest occupant next to the freeway. There you'll see a 50-ton, 80-foot-long dinosaur with light bulb eyes! With a sight like this, you'll always know when Wall Drug is open.

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur

Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur
Wall Drug 80ft Dinosaur