Emerald Pools Trail
Latitude & Longitude:
You can take the 1-, 2-, or 3-mile trail - and each one will lead you to the glorious waterfalls and pools that the park is named for. There are also stunning views of the geography including Lady Mountain, the Great White Throne, and Red Arch Mountain. Like most waterfall trails the best time to go is during the spring when the weather is cooler and the melting ice and snow create large volumes of water to feed the runoff.
(Submitted by Ruth Gutierrez)
Hikes • Scenic

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail