Fort Zion
Latitude & Longitude:
Before entering Zion National Park, visitors will encounter Fort Zion, resembling a massive fort with multiple facades, mainly serving as a gift shop with family-friendly attractions. The prominent feature upon entry is the restaurant, offering a variety of burgers including Buffalo, Elk, Wild Boar, and Venison, with the possibility of a Rattlesnake burger. However, it's renowned for its homemade ice cream rather than its burger selection. Fort Zion also boasts western-themed buildings like a bank, jail, and saloon for photo opportunities, but the highlight for children is the petting zoo with a nominal entry fee of $1 and an additional dollar for three carrots to feed the animals, which include llamas, deer, donkeys, and an animated kicking pony. Additionally, visitors can explore the gift shop offering hats, shirts, pear cactus jelly, and Native American jewelry.

Fort Zion
Fort Zion

Fort Zion
Fort Zion

Fort Zion
Fort Zion

Fort Zion
Fort Zion