Trout Lake


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This short, steep, and popular trail located in Lamar Valley and close to the park's northeast entrance can become very busy because the area is very popular with anglers. But it's the scenery there that makes for a great hike even if you don't care for fishing. The trailhead has many directional signs and a small parking lot (with even more signs). This area is bear country, so please don't hike here without bear spray and walk with more than one person - bears, otters, bison, deer, and elk often frequent the area. The trail immediately enters the trees and climbs steadily about 250 feet before dropping back down just a bit to the lake. You'll see some very giant pines in this grove, and you'll also have some fabulous views of the Absaroka Range. When you're at the lake, the terrain changes and views open up as the cliffs tower the lake. Here you'll have the choice to either turn back or add a mile more onto the hike and walk around the lake. The area is serene and the lake is a small but a beautiful place to take lovely photos with different backgrounds.



Hikes • Scenic